The Moth - a StorySlam at Trinity St. Paul Church Parish Hall
311 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle Kicking-off New Rochelle ArtsFest 2023
A longtime NRCA board member and a supporting member of The Moth, Angela Derecas Taylor, is excited to announce there will be a Moth StorySlam at Trinity St. Paul Parish Hall to kick-off New Rochelle's 2023 Arts Fest
Doors open: 6:30pm / Stories begin: 7:00pm
This will be a ticketed event. The theme will be TRADITIONS. Come prepared to tell a 5 minute story on the theme. Put your name in the "hat" and you may be one of ten storytellers called to the stage. OR, just come to hear great stories.
Stay tuned here for more details. Tickets go on sale October 5th on The Moth Website here.